Here, you'll find all the useful items for sewing, crafting, embellishing, and customizing, as well as a wide selection of essential supplies for bringing your creative projects to life.

Mercerized cotton or polyester thread, matte or shiny, you'll find here all the quality threads you need for your needlework projects.
A wide selection of colors and top brands are available to you.
Spools for your sewing machine, cones for your serger, thread for your embroidery machine?
We also offer a wide range of threads for your handwork.
Embroidery floss, canvas cotton, lace thread, waxed thread for quilting, or basting thread.
Mask accessories
Retrouvez ici une série d'accessoires pour la fabrications de masques de protection.
Des pinces nez en aluminium, des stoppeurs en caoutchouc, et bien sûr notre gamme d'élastiques souples et colorés!